PENDAWA products were originally formed in 1989, since then, research and development has continued and today these products are the best and most effective for water treatment programs. This product has been widely formulated and blended by CV. Nikisa Rana through their blending facilities.
Our product formulator was Ir. Asikin Wiriadisastra, Graduated in 1960 from the Chemical Engineering Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), with a lot of experience in water treatment chemicals. He has served as Technical Coordinator from 1978 to 1983 at Drew Ameroid Chemical Corp.
Since 2007 we have a joint agreement within our organization to have its own Blending Facilities for Production, Technical Services and Product Marketing.
Now production is handled by our partner company PT Gilda Putra Gemilang, while Technical and Marketing Services are handled by PT.Sankarsa Restuchemie.
Raw materials for PENDAWA products are imported from the US, Europe and Japan.